May they Shine Forever
In memory of our Missionaries
As planned in the program of celebrations marking the diamond jubilee of the presence of Marianist brothers in Togo, a mass was held in various communities within the Region this Saturday January 19, 2019 in Kara, Sotouboua and Lomé. For practical reasons, it was anticipated in Natitingou and took place on Friday January 18. These masses were offered for the rest in God’s peace of Marianist religious from Switzerland and elsewhere who have worked in the Marianist mission in Togo since 1958 as well as their collaborating bishops, priests, religious and lay Togolese and expatriates who passed away ; the list of their names was present to make their memory alive: Pierre Cattin, Walker Wendelin (Joe), Mgr Ignace Sambar Talkena, Urs Schenker, François Rossier, etc. Chaminade High School which saw all these men and women pass by fondly remembered them during its patronal feast day mass. That was on Wednesday 23 January.
May they all rest in peace!
Jonas H. Kpatcha, sm

Br. Alfred Zurfluh

Br. Auguste Augustin

Fr. Urs Schenker

Br. Pierre Cattin

Fr. Wendelin Walker