The aspirancy constitutes the first step in the vocational journey, a period when one feels called to religious life while seeking to discern the call. This phase is lived by having regular contact with a Marianist religious as spiritual director who helps us to clarify the will of God on our life.
Vocation Camp
The time passed as an aspirant includes the participation to at least one vocation camp. Aspirants are invited there for a period of a few days to spend time together and close to the Brothers for an exchange on religious life.
The aspirant willing to further discover religious life will be able to live a community experience of at least 9 months. This step allows you to deepen your discernment by experiencing the daily life of the religious.
The novitiate is the first step in the initial and formal formation for religious life. The marianist consecrated life is studied in all its aspects, ranging from history of religious life to the Rule of Life, including the liturgy and living the vows. The novitiate provides a holistic knowledge of the meaning and implication of one’s commitment.
First Profession
The end of the novitiate is crowned by the first religious profession, which marks the formal membership in the Marianist religious family.