This December 5, we conclude the first week of Advent with this beautiful Gospel which shows Jesus “seized with compassion” going through “all towns and villages” teaching and “healing all sickness and infirmity”. Since last Monday, the liturgy of the Word of God has called us to meditate on this very special compassion of Jesus towards those who suffer from various diseases and the hungry.
This meditation thus prepares us to welcome the Messiah whom God sends as Savior of mankind, as the prophet Isaiah had foreseen: “In that day, the Lord of the universe will prepare for all peoples, on his mountain, a feast of fatty meats…. On this mountain, he will remove the veil of mourning which envelops all peoples…. The Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces…. The Lord has spoken…. And on that day it will be said: This is our God, in him we hoped, and he has saved us; he is the Lord… .. “(Is 25, 6-10).
One might be tempted to live quietly in the expectation of that Day … But what is happening in front of our eyes calls us to something else. Like Mary in Cana, is it not true that we experience in our apostolate that there are many emergency situations in which we would like the Lord Jesus to act here and now? With her, we can through our intercession anticipate the hour of salvation for those who suffer. Jesus shows us precisely in these beautiful pages of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew that he is this God of mercy who cannot help reacting to the suffering he encounters: “I cannot send them away… .they might fail. on my way “. Thank you to all of us for the generous time we devote to intercession during this Advent season. May the Immaculate Virgin inspire us with gestures that bring relief!
Happy patronal feast next Tuesday to our Marianist sisters and to the CLMs.
Fr Ignace Pagnan, sm