Since March 25, 2020, the Superior General has appointed Father Jonas Kpatcha, SM, as Regional Superior of the Region of the Marianist Brothers of Togo and Benin. Father Jonas generously accepted this call to fraternal service in our Region and in the Society of Mary. Jonas previously held the roles of director of the Saint Joseph community of Sotouboua and that of assistant for the religious life of the Region. A former student of the Chaminade College of Kara, Father Jonas holds a bachelor’s degree (Master) in liturgy from the University of Friborg in Switzerland. He will be in charge, with his council, of leading the Region for the next five years. Father Jonas began his first term on September 12, 2020.
He thus replaces Father Ignace Pagnan, SM who has completed his second term. The Region of Togo continues to show a rich vitality and charismatic growth.
The Regional Counsil : from left to right: Mathieu B., Jonas K. ; Ferdinand F. and Jérôme B.
The ceremony for the installation of the new Regional Council took place at the end of this year’s annual retreat, on Thursday, September 3, 2020, the 20th anniversary of the beatification of Father Guillaume Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Marianist Family. It was in Sotouboua in the presence of Bro Maximin Magnan, Assistant General of Education and delegates of the Marianist family in Togo. The Regional Assistants are:
Religious Life: Fr. Matthieu BALANA
Education: Fr. Ferdinand FARARA
Temporalities: Bro. Jérôme BALAKIYEMA
We wish them a successful mission!
Freddy B. ,SM