For you, son of man, who have made a covenant with Mary, rejoice because your natural and human genealogy, like that of Joseph, is the bearer of Christ and of eternal life. Through this alliance, you allow Christ to realize through you, God’s plan for you and for humanity. By this covenant, you proclaim Jesus to your natural genealogy. He purifies and heals her and empowers her to be able to attract others to eternal life. Jesus comes through you to achieve great things, but you don’t know it, and he doesn’t have to give you notice. He educates you to ensure, like Joseph, the role of fatherhood on the children entrusted to you. In this education, he makes you experience, which he himself had with his father when he was on earth: “I came not to do my will, but the will of him who sent me” ( Jn 6:38). You will learn to renounce yourself, to let go, to detach yourself from your self-esteem, from your ideas, from your opinions, in order to be truly at the service of the father. Like Saint Joseph, you will understand that those which the father needs are your actions (Mat 2:14) so that the Lord realizes human destiny through you.
Bro. Dominique AGATE, SM