For a few years now, the Marianist Sisters of Africa have been in contact with the diocese of Tenkodogo, in Burkina where they go each year to particularly meet young people in search for a vocation. They currently have a novice, Rosine, who comes from this diocese. The local bishop, Monsignor Prosper KONTIEBO also took an interest in us, Marianist brothers in Togo and invited us in a letter on December 05, 2018 to open a mission, notably a parish in his diocese. The Regional Council felt that we are not currently ready for such a work and that we had to take the time to discern better. Two Marianist sisters are going to the diocese of Tenkodogo for the celebration of Good Shepherd’s Sunday and vocations 2019. I will accompany them there to know the places, meet the young people and discuss with the close collaborators of the bishop; he will be absent from the diocese at the time of this visit. We will leave next Friday to return next Tuesday. We are aware that in Burkina there is currently a certain insecurity due to the jihadists, but we have been reassured by the priests of the diocese of Tenkodogo that we can make this trip.
Fr. Ignace Pagnan, SM
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